Thank you to all who voted for David in 2021 Law Institute of Victoria (LIV) Council Elections.
Update on the 2021 Law Institute of Victoria’s (LIV) Council elections.
Representing more than 19,000 members, LIV is the peak body for the Victorian legal profession with “our core purpose is to foster the rule of law and to promote improvements and developments in the law as it affects the Victorian community.” (LIV Annual report 2020)
In October and November, the LIV had their 2021 Council elections and our Principal, David Littlejohn, was nominated for election to the Council of the Law Institute of Victoria’s (LIV) in the category of Suburban Practitioner.
Last week, the overall winners for the 2021 LIV Council Election were announced for each category. Although David wasn’t successful this year, he was extremely honoured that he was nominated for a place on the LIV Council.
David looks forward to hopefully being nominated again in the next Law Institute of Victoria (LIV) Council Election and having the opportunity to represent the Victorian legal profession that he has been a part of for over 20 years. David would appreciate the opportunity to actively shape the LIV’s position on important legal and community issues and advocating for positive change for the benefit of all LIV members.
Thank you to everyone who voted for him. Your support was greatly appreciated, and we congratulate all those who were appointed.
For more information about the Law Institute of Victoria, visit their website here